Aakash AITS.

A solid wire shaped as a truncated cone is stretched by two forces applied parallel to the length in opposite directns and normal to plane ends.If Y is Young's modulus of wire's material, elongation of the wire is

(Sorry the options are as in order misprinted,They r as A,B , C, D)

5 Answers

cipher1729 ·

should be D)
(i have completed the cone and taken a disc as a differential element)

Manmay kumar Mohanty ·

i thnk u r rightt. ANYONE WANNA TRY.

harsh jindal ·

yes answer is d
put R1 = 0 then the elongation must be infinite
u get from here options must be A or D
now put R1 = R2 u get right answer as D
you can also check by Dimensions of answer

Manmay kumar Mohanty ·

cipher ur image post is not clear.
please post clearly.
Letters are too small .

cipher1729 ·

this is what I have basically done


A= ∩ (xtanθ)2

after integrating simply put

tan θ = (l2-l1 ) l

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