tnks sir.
A particle moves under the influence of the potential V(x) = -Cx^{n}e^{-ax}. Find the frequency of
small oscillations around the equilibrium point.
ans not given please post workin' . NOTHING MORE mentioned in the question.
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2 Answers
The potential energy is U(x)= m V(x).
The general idea is to approximate the potential energy function in the vicinity of an equilibrium point by a parabolic potential energy. To this end, expand the potential energy function about the equilibrium point (say x0) in a Taylor's series:
U(x)=U(x_0)+U'(x_0)(x-x_0)+\dfrac{1}{2!}U''(x_0)(x-x_0)^2+ \ldots
Now since x0 is an equilibrium point, so U'(x0)=0. Further, if the displacement from x0 is small enough, so that (x&ndash x0)3 and higher powers can be neglected, then the potential energy takes the form
Shifting the origin to the point (x0, U(x0)), the potential energy takes the form
where the new coordinate X = x-x0 measures the displacements from the equilibrium while u(X) = U(x) &ndash U(x0) is new potential energy form.
Comparing the last equation with the potential energy of a spring mass system, we see that the "spring constant"
Accordingly, the angular frequency of small oscillations
\omega =\sqrt{\dfrac{k}{m}}=\sqrt{\dfrac{U''(x_0)}{m}}
For the present case,
Hence, the equilibrium position x0 = na
You can now finish things off. [1]