An extension....

this is an extension of a traditional problem....
here is the setup with some initial compression in the spring such that when string is burned lower block just leaves the ground. (a string is tied b/w two blocks)

Here u have to find the normal reaction b/w ground and lower block... of course as a function of time.

Assume all u want mass(above mass as 3M and lower mass as 2M) spring constant K etc.....

8 Answers

skygirl ·

i didn get the question clearly.......

Lokesh Verma ·

The question is sort of obvious dear..

when u release this set up, it causes the lower mass to "just" levae the ground..

so this is the limiting case when the block leaves the ground!..

For this case, you need to find reaction between ground and mass as a function of time!

Swetha Kaushik ·

give some hint.

skygirl ·

ohk....earlier i thot something else...

Abhishek Priyam ·

Lost threads....

Abhishek Priyam ·

I think i should post half the answer then everyone will try..

N=5mg(1+cos(ωt)) ......... well answer may be a bit wrong :P

Find ω...

Lokesh Verma ·


For maximum extension .. normal reaction will be zero....

So the spring force will balance mg (m is for lower mass!)

champ ·

Can this thread be revived ?
It is a good question and I wish there can be a good discussion on it :-)

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