this is actually direct application of perpendicular axes theorem... came in AIEEE this year...... very popular question but easy enuf.
wotz d moment of inertiaof a square plate :
A)alongs itz diameter?
b)axis perpendicular n passing through the center??????
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6 Answers
this can be solved in a very neat way without doing all the 'dirty' calculations!
moment of inertia along AA' = I
by symmetry, along BB' = I
Along CC'=I1 = DD' (Find I1... this i leave for u.. it is easy... if u cant i will do it for u)
So i will give u the solution in terms of I1
Now if I along the perpendicular is Iz
By perpendicular axis theorem, Iz= ICC' + IDD' = 2I1
Also, Iz= IAA' + IBB' = 2I
thus, 2I1=2I
Thus, I1=I
So, i guess u have ur answer? or not yet?!
yeah u rite ....
kkk btw d answr for ths years tht aeee ques u tokin bout is 2/3ma(square)....noe??????
i am sorry dear.... i lost this year's paper soon after i came out of the exam hall... bad luck...
i jus remember that there was a sum very similar to this...
if u wanna know the ans, log on to and search for AIEEE 2008 solutions.... they have it there... ok?