A massive wooden plate of unknown mass M remains in equilibrium in vacuum when n bullets per second are fired on it.The mass of each bullet is m (M>>m).Each bullet strikes the centre of the plate with speed v,coeff of restitution = e.What is the mass of the plate?
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10 Answers
gud job..............
Just a request: give others a chance too dear.................[1]
no soory...............i was just joking dear...........good to see u doing job so fast.............actually i was typing the soln(hard job) when i saw u had uploaded yours..............
u all carry on ur jobs...
same had happened to me, so hav stopped replying to question so fast... i reply to those which are untouched for long.. [3]
hey chinmay!!!!!!!!u can more or less consider the plate to be a wall like thing!!!!!!!!!!!see M>>m ...............soo the ball will rebound with velocity ev!!!!!!!so net change in momentum is mv(1-(-e))!!!!!!!!!!!