Coefficient of friction

A plate, bent at right angles along its center line, is placed onto a horizontal fixed cylinder of radius R as shown in the figure.

How large does the coefficient of static friction between the cylinder and the plate need to be if the plate is not to slip off the cylinder?

13 Answers

Shreyan ·

is the answer \sqrt{2}-1 ?

neil.dhruva ·

sir what is the ans?

kaymant ·

Yes Shreyan, the answer is indeed √2 - 1. Can you show the working?

kartik sai ·

assuming that point of contact is is the midpont of the plates writing friction = K (normal reaction) at both the points of contact . Since we require equilibrium condition we equate all the forces in vertical and horizantal direction for both the bodies and net torque to zero. if k is the coefficient of friction.then finally after solving all the equations we get an equation K2+2K-1=0 since k cannot be neagtive thus K=√2-1. srry could not upload image due to slow net speed

Celestine preetham ·

sir is pt of contact mid point of platen parts ????
Que cant be solved without knowing that

Ans follows

Celestine preetham ·

Celestine preetham ·

and of course √2 - 1 is minimum μ req

kartik sai ·

i agree celestine... it should be the mid point or else we wont get the ans..

Shreyan ·

yes...i used the same method as that of celestine's ...sorry cudnt giv the working earlier...

Celestine preetham ·

kaymant sir u shud reply !

Rohan Ghosh ·

yes celestine your working is right

btw you could have taken the centre of mass and expressed in one mg instead of two mg/2 s..

kaymant ·

yes that's right..

Celestine preetham ·

no rohan that wont be elegant as it makes a short process longer . ( it will take more steps to find torque abt bend pt)

btw i forgot to mention that torque is eq abt bend pt

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