itz not workin
can u do this for me
i think pressur somethin b taken as 1000 then thatz it
but how cum 1000 >>>>>>/?
anwer satisfies for p = 1000
jusst not getin how>>>>>>>>>? reply
culindrical tank 10 m high has internal diametr 4
work req 2 fill with wit H2O if water pumped in botom edge
answer is- 6.15 mJ .
I DO W=F*H/2 COS180
H/2 =5
an f=pressure * area
area 3.14*4
presuure will b wat in this case
douttttt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reply
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16 Answers
This will not be the way dear..
what u have to do is to integrate..
add small amount of water from the bottom.. and the column of water already there is to be pushed upwards by correstponding height...
Try this method.. it should work...
ok i will give the answer.. i was adding the new section "Question of the Day" so just missed ur reply..
assume a thin film of water of height dH is entered in the cyllinder
and that the current height is H
force on the lower layer will be ÏgH+Patm
work will be
i am getting as 3 times ur answer!!
I wonder if ur book has missed the atmospheric pressure!
no i donn think
? is wrong answer is definately right
mayb our method is wrong
can u post the exact question as it is in the text? and even tell the text where this question is .. cos i personally do not trust many books!
i had given online test series iitp ie iitpratisthan
u maybknowin it
in tat i saw tis ?
so i managed 2 sav
chek it
hey try posting a jpg..
what image format is this?
some images dont work correctly
i think somethingz problem here
my problems diiagram isnt gettttin uploaded
k anyway my prob is right
so thennnnn how presssure i$ 1000
is it std or any conversion is made>>?>>< superconfuser
1000 is atmospheric pressure.. if the question was to pour water from the top.. then ur answer would be correct!
but bcos we are adding water from the bottom.. it could probably be differetn..
the problem here though is that not all the wter at the bottom will move up..
only some water will be pushed upwards... (bcos it is not a solid)
So my best guess will be that they have asssumed that the water that is displacedd is close to zero!
and that it will be the same case as water being poured from the top..
but this is only my "best" guess...
mayb it s
yeah 1000 presure
wat u taken its units<<>>>>>>>>>>////?
atmospheric pressure is approx 1.01.105
if u work with this .. then u do get the answer.. but only by pouring it from the top !!