Q2. An incompressible fluid with density Ï is in a horizontal test tube of inner cross-sectional area A. The test tube spins in a horizontal circle in an ultracentrifuge at an angular speed ω. Gravitational forces are negligible. Consider a volume element of the fluid of area A and thickness dr' at a distance r' from the rotation axis. The pressure on its inner surface is p and outer surface is p+dp.
(a) Show that dp=Ïω2r'dr'.
(b) If the surface of the fluid is at a radius ro where the pressure is po, show that the pressure p at a distance r≥ro is p=po+Ïω2(r2-ro2)/2.
(c) An object of volume V and density Ïob has its centre of mass at a distance Rcmob from the axis. Show that the net horizontal force on the object is ÏVω2Rcm, where Rcm is the distance from the axis to the center of mass of the displaced fluid.
(d) Explain why the object will move inward if ÏRcm>ÏobRcmob and outward if ÏRcm<ÏobRcmob.
(e) For small objects of uniform density, Rcm = Rcmob. What happens to a mixture of small objects of this kind with different densities in an unltracentrifuge?
Please give a diagram along with answer as well. I cudnt do this quesn bcz cudnt understand the diag.