the tension should be zero since the acc. of both the blocks will be same (even without the string)
what is the tension of the rope that connects the two blocks of masses M & m. given that the co-efficient of friction between the surface and each of the block is μ
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 6
6 Answers
Aditya Bhutra
·2011-10-17 23:17:56
·2011-10-18 06:45:55
i figured it out. aditya is right. the tension will be 0. thanks aditya.
Vijay Yevatkar
·2011-10-25 03:01:58
V can even solve dis by eqns. of motion....
Mgsin@ - T - uMgcos@ = Ma ------ 1
mgsin@ + T - umgcos@ = ma ---- 2
Adding 1 nd 2
gsin@(M + m) - ugcos@(M+m) = (m+M)a
a = gsin@ - ugcos@
Substituting in 1....
T = 0..