yes we have to get rid for that force also.see her diag closely
38 Answers
·2008-12-30 04:08:07
guyz i am still not clear with the problem some one plz post the full soln
ans is [2m-n2(m+M)]g/[M+m(5+2(n1-n2)]
PS in n1 and n2 1 and 2 are suffixes
·2008-12-30 04:10:18
@sankara i dont see what you are talking about i dont see the force of friction acting between m and M on M
Abhishek Priyam
·2008-12-30 04:29:01
and 2T-n2Mg-ma=Ma
solve this ...
and if answer comes then first try to see from where the equation comes...