FTSE 2008 QUES....

bLOCK a OF MASS M is released from rest.No friction anywhere..It undergoes 2 completely inelastic collisions.,first with the plane and then with a block of B mass 2m. and sticks to it.A total of 21J mechanical energy is lost in the process.Also the minimum lenght attained by the spring is its natural length.(g=10m/s^2)

1.find M(kg)
2.Spring constant.(in N/m)
3.MAx. elongation of spring.

A cylinder of mass M is placed on a rough surface.A rod of same mass M and same length is embedded in the cylinder parallel to its axis at distance r=R/3.the system is released from rest.The angle btwn the line joining the axis of the cylinder and the rod with vertical makes an angle \theta 0=60.The system is released from this position.Cylinder does not slip on the surface thruohout the motion.Find MAgntd and direction of 'initial acceleration' of cylinder's axis.

2 Answers

rahul nair ·

oops.......Its from FTSE 2007......(not 2008 as mentioned above)

rahul nair ·


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