if earth is taken 2 b a solid sphere and a tunnel is dug along d diameter of d earth and a body is thrown in d tunnel then how is d body going 2 show s.h.m?
d thing is i know by time period formula dat can b proved.
bt i need d xplanation ,at concept is behind this.plz state clearly.
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3 Answers
it will move towards the center n gain velocity in the mean time...
wen it will reach the center, it will overshoot n head forward coz of inertia of motion but,
it will get attracted towards the center, so, after a time, its forward velocity will become zero n it will start going towards the center agn...
n agn the same thing will repeat....
hmm.. basically the concept of shm is that the direction of force changes .. and it causes SHM..
Can u think how this is happening here?
oh i din notice.. sky girl posted such a wonderful wonderful reply :)