
A body is allowed to slide on a frictionless track from rest position under gravity. The track ends into a circular loop of diameter D. What should be the minimum height of the body in terms of D so that it may complete the loop successfully?

8 Answers

Philip Calvert ·

any fig
it isnt much clear
but let me guess

is the ans 5/4D !

well one obvious choice can be D itself but without figure i am just guessing[2] !


u'll find such sums in hcv they hav solvd very nicely u may refer it

Aditya ·

Yes Philip it's indeed 5D/4...cud pls explain a bit?

Sry for the silly ques....but all the mechanics has been drained out of my brain!

Celestine preetham ·

use fact velocity at topmost point shud be ≥centripetal acc (else normal rxn becomes less than 0 and body is out of contact )

apply energy conservation

Philip Calvert ·

yes indeed that was wat i did in hurry !

@celestine i understood wat u meant but please explain how can

velocity be compared to acceleration [3]

Celestine preetham ·

g = v2/r

Philip Calvert ·

g < v2/r

Philip Calvert ·

@ashish i was just kidding
we got what he meant ! [4]

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