Kvpy qeustion

COnsider a normal pendulum. It is moving under gravity. It has a hollow bob. water leaks out of the bob at a constant rate so . How will T be affected the right answer is that time period will increase and then decreaseMy answer its immaterial right for simple harmonic motion whcih i guess we are dealing with mgsin@ is the restoring accleration and @ is approximated as @ so m cnacels out.. unless u are thinking of some complicated reaction force then i think the answers wrong

7 Answers

Shubhodip ·

Not so shallow!

Think of the centre of mass of the bob plus water system !

varun.tinkle ·

U are right :) but wont i then happen that time period continously increases..

anyways i dotn understand how u guys can think of applying so much physics in one sum. i never could

ajoy abcd ·

Time period continuosly increases till the water flows out as effective length(distance of com from pivot) increases.
When water empties of COM is back to original position,time period is equal to what it was initially.

Arnab Kundu ·


Athenes Analyst ·

ITS An HC Verma Objective question, Time period increases then decreases!

For more about this famous question:

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

yes.. it also has the solution infact.

analkumar ·

first the water flows out so the centre of mass(COM) shifts downwards but after half water flows out the bob's mass dominates shifting the com back to its original place and thus the time period first increases then decreases until it gets to original time period

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