can you answer prateek's question sky???
Two unequal masses of 1 kg and 2 kg are connected by a string going over a clamped light smooth pulley. The system is released from rest. The larger mass is syopped for a moment 1 sec after the system is set in motion. Find the time elapsed before the string is tight again.
i know the answer but i want solution...
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11 Answers
hey buddy is the bigger mass after being stopped allowed to move ....
or it came to rest and not been allowed to move....
got t=1/√2 secs.
if corect, i will post soln...
Mohammed Umar Good have a great study
Upvote·0· Reply ·2019-08-25 21:26:55
hey let me know whether the bigger mass is allowed to move after being stopped....
See this... hope i am right..
string will be tight when... both has traveled same distance....
i think it is allowed to move as it was stopped for a moment
NO edited there...
distance should be equal..
so g/3t-1/2gt2=1/2gt2
t=1/3 sec..
Just try this with an observer at 2 kg block after it is released after just stopping it...
acc of 1 kg will become zero wrt 2kg.. so 1 kg will go with uniform speed of g/3 wrt 2 kg.. so string will get tight when ...shown in fig..
But here answer is coming out as g/3t=L so t=3L/g
but above it was independent of L as well as g :P
Wheres the mistake.. [1]
thanks pirate from your first method i m getting right answer