two ships are 10 km apart on a line from north to south. the one farther north is moving towards west at 40 km/hr and the other is moving towards north at 40 km/hr. what ios their closest approach and how long do they take to reach it?
u may know the rel vel to solv the sum but i knwo amy of u including me ar enot sure abt it when vectorare applied so i am posting a new solution
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2 Answers
see i hv two methods to solve this sum
first the conventional method in most buks u must be knowing relativ vel concept if not .... nudge me
my method
at time t th enorth moving ship has moved a distance 40 t and the west moving ship has moved 40t......
now draw a right angled trinagle..... so its hypo is the distance .......
which is equal to...x^2=10=40t ^2 =40t^
for minimum value differentiate it leaving it as an excersice...
now u know the value fo t u can find out distance
good job, dude
though I think that the expression should read
x2=(10-40t)2+ (40t)2