eureka have u got the third part if so pls explain
Q1 What is angular velocity of line AB at the instant shown?
Q2 What is angular velocity of B wrt A at the given instant?
Q3Prove that [vB/A]≠[vA/B] (where [ ] denotes magnitude part)
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25 Answers
how u answer part-a imagine its motion for a while u will see it is irregular [7]
oh yes.................what a foolish question by me.................thanxx
i think this question will help u to ans
wat is the relative velocity of approach of the bodis
sory for my first ans i have mistaked with other question please check my soln
angular velocity of the line=vnet/r
answer for 2;
should be w2-w1=4-3=1rad/s;
for q2
yes yes..............2nd part answer is 1r/s..its easy........plzz try 1st parrt.........
hey eureka how part c & a is some wat typical if motion is analysed so its angular vel. is not const. in mag. & direction too
ohhh yes 2nd part was easy...................what about first part .............anyone trying?????
2)ang vel of B wrt to A =3i*12j/(3)2-i*3j/12=vB/A
This will helps u for the third ques also