give the question no. and page no..............I think i have solved it.
The leaning tower pisa is 55mhigh and 7.0m in diameter.The top of the tower is displaced 4.5 m from the vertical.Treating the tower as a uniform,circular cylinder
a)wat additional displacement,measured at the top,will bring the tower to the verge of toppling?
b)wat angle with the vertical will the tower make at that moment?
(the current rate of movement of the top is 1mm/yr)
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 8
8 Answers
is it ur question or did u see dat in some book?
dont u think it will depend on how strongly it is held at the bottom..:)
I had the solutions of this sum
The tower topples when the cg is below the base.
Assuming the cg to be at the centre.
Therefore when the tower falls by 7m the tower topples.
Therefore 2.5m more.
Therefore the angle is 7/55 = 7.3degrees
but i have old edition
it is in the chapter 9 da,and it is in the exercise problem;
i got an idea using torques.the pisa tower will fall when the torque due to gravity is greater than the torque due to normal reaction the pisa tower will fall.
then i have a problem in finding the normal force and the point at which the gravity tends to act.can u please give an explanation to find a solution for the pbm by this method please help me by explaining with a diag