plz explain

A block of mass m is kept on a rough inclined plane of incl.θ with the horizontal.the whole system is kept in an elevator which is moving up with constant velocity v.Find the displacement of block in time t.Please explain.

6 Answers

Manish Shankar ·

what do you think it should be?

it travels how much with velocity v in time t?

Tarun Kumar Yadav ·

in the quest. it has been given that the the block does not move along the incline due to friction and the answer to the question has been given as vsinθt.i am not able to understand.please explain

Manish Shankar ·

Here it is given for the frictional force. So you can say that the displacement that would have been there if frictional was absent

or think in this way
Here there is some force applied and there is some motion in the direction of applied force.


arrey bhaiya .. i think it shuld be v*t na ...

Manish Shankar ·

yes it is vt only

maybe he was asking along the inclined plane

Dr.House ·

no change in motion as it is a inertial reference frame.

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