ha me 2 thot da same!
but ans isnt 25/4 its sumthin else, kuch aur socho
The amplitude of two waves are in ratio 5 : 2. If all other conditions for the two waves are same, then what is the ratio of their energy densities?
is the answer 19/4....thought i another way.nw but correct me if im wrong..
woh ho sakta hai.......
got this frm tcyonline.com
i don know if they r rite or wrong
well lets wait if some one comes forward with some new weapons to blow this one... but at present i am not having any thing to give ans other than 25/4
if u want derivation of energy density ...[gud for rememberance ...].........
y=Asin(kx - wt) ...
vel. of any particle on string[imagine to be wave on string ........]
dy/dt = -Awcos(kx - wt) .......
KE = ∫1/2Pdx(dy/dt)2
PER UNIT LENGTH[DENSITY] = 1/2PA2W2cos2..blahbla..........
then PE also ull get smae experssion[final] .......uve to take dy/dx here .............
add both ull get engy....