wats ur bits score dude?
Hey can ya pls tell me which u think is better?
SRM university or Sri Siva subramanuim nadar(SSN)?And why?
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 6
6 Answers
·2009-06-02 20:45:09
U can go for SRM if u want infra...But SSN is much better in my view...like most of the gold medallists r 4m SSN....
Celestine preetham
·2009-06-03 00:03:52
yes SRM req lot of money input unlike SSN
SSN has got gr8 academic track record
SRM is deemed and has its own set of rules
·2009-06-09 01:18:40
SSN is gud......dat has gained a good name in a very short time.......also the institute has a good background .....ie Hcl