
Is there anybody here who knows hacking and can teach me for free how to hack Yahoo Gmail Hot mail anything with a software or in any way.

42 Answers

Gone.. ·

cmon such GOOD knowledge cant be imparted for free..[1]

eureka123 ·

whats the use of hackers here ???

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

is this the topic fit 4 targetiit.com??
Hacking gmail!!!!!!!!!!

rahuliit ·

i need it just for knowledge IF you wanna want to give aveek plz give but dont charge me knowledge increses by sharing

Jagaran Chowdhury ·

such business oriebted knowledge doesnt increase by sharing .so u have to pay.

eragon24 _Retired ·

@ rahuliit r u kidding man.....and do u really think dey know hacking [11]....rotfl

and dont ask such things here.......it looks good in goiit only[3]

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

who said we cannot hack????????????Aveek n I r masters in it.....bt da prob is we charge as we must get something to lose monopoly......

if u pay we teach u programming so that u come 2 kno the username n password within 6 hrs....

n if u don't pay we still teach u hw to guess so that u at least have the hint what the password is within 6 lives......http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/images/smiles/rotfl.gifhttp://targetiit.com/smilies/3.gif

eragon24 _Retired ·

""who said we cannot hack????????????Aveek n I r masters in it""


gimme a proof of tat........hum aisey nahi mantey......[3]

btw wat type of a hacker r u.....white hat, grey hat, or black hat......[3]

Unicorn--- Extinct!! ·

Voh smiley ka number kya hai??

Unicorn--- Extinct!! ·

And close this thread now..it is LAME...!!!!

Arshad ~Died~ ·

aley aley bachcho ko hacking sekhni hai.....lolllzzzzz...........seekho seekho.....
btw tell u something if u try to brute force a gmail or hotmail id....ur attempt automatically gets recorded in their security logs...so good luck guys....

Unicorn--- Extinct!! ·

Yahoo mein bhi hota hai..

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