how to improve numerical calculations


this is also from a fiijee solution..... how are they doing it so correctly and upto 5 decimal places? are they doing it by actual division??? Or are there some tricks to be used in doing division???
pls help me i am very weak in this type of calculations....

Is there any book or some thing like that which i can use to practice this...i tried vedic maths but it has very few things that is useful in the entrance exams context....

5 Answers

rishabh ·

calculator :P
i would approximate this to 10/250 = 0.04

Sambit Senapati ·

simply multiply 100 to both numerator and denominator and divide normally.

johncenaiit ·

So not much use of tricks.....practice using the fundamental division will do it...rite ????

thanx a lot sambit and rishabh......:-)

Sigma ·

Approximation to the nearest suitable integer/rational no. will help a lot in fast calculations.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Also, the options in the MCQ's are not that much close like 3.0253 ; 3.0452 etc. So, even after approximation, you can get the answer if have done it correctly.

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