How to make use of this site the best:

come lets discuss on how to make the most of this wonderful site without wasting time!

7 Answers

Akand ·

DUDE....I THINK U R NEW HERE.....rite??? heheh

sriraghav ·

Already we r makin use of it in a very useful way!!

vimalesh mallya ·

no i'm not new
i joined this very early but only now i'm frequently using this!

Celestine preetham ·

basically i follow the following

1 Avoid using computer for any purpose

2 Use internet for checking results and info regarding iit

3 Do not spend more than 1/2 hr per day here

4 ways to use tiit efficiently

Avoid chatbox
dont see Qs u already know the ans
dont post too many dbts in 1 day they maynt be answered
as a student u r not expected to help out fellow students , seniors are there to take care of
while postin ans , make it short
use internet while eating lunch or snacks
A lot of good problems are posted here , but if the same is available in ur book then dont see it
try seeing some QODs ,few are topclass Qs
spend 10 + 10 +10 = 30 min in 3 sessions
u may post a dbt in the 1st session and then follow it up in the other sessions
Dont ans too many posts spending time all day aiming for pinks or trying to bcum most active member.
Dont post long advices like these when u r prep for jee , u need to think only abt urself and not abt others
Its better to be a unknown person here rather than bcomin too well known and bein occupied in chatbox all day

Celestine preetham ·

also post dbt heres only when u dont have a gud teacher to consult with


pata nahi .. but i used to be on9 for 4-5 hrs ... dat may be the reason why celes got 45 .. i 4500

Aditya Balasubramanyam ·

I think preetham has give the most appropriate answer.... I agree with you .

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