magic circle prob....we need to find the 3rd one

6 Answers

Ashish Kothari ·

Asnwer will be 9!

The number inside the circle is the sum of the digits of the sum of the numbers outside the circle.

For the final circle,

Sum of numbers= 18
Therefore sum of digits = 9 [ans]

Ashish Kothari ·

Why do you think so? All the circles follow the rule I stated!

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

sum of the numbers surrounding 1 = 14

for 2 = 16

for 3=18

Ashish Kothari ·

Yeah so thats what I am saying. The number inside is the sum of the digits of the sum you gave!

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

okay! now I got wat u wer tellin! :P

Ashish Kothari ·

I have very poor language skills. [2]

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