can any one explain what is lepton number ??? and give any usefull formulae relating to it ?? guys please help .. and guess what it was on ISAT sample paper 2010 !!
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1 Answers
In high energy physics, the lepton number is the number of leptons [Leptons are a family of elementary particles, alongside quarks and gauge bosons (also known as force carriers). Like quarks, leptons are fermions (spin-1â„2 particles) and are subject to the electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, and weak interaction, but unlike quarks, leptons do not participate in the strong interactions] minus the number of antileptons.
In equation form,N=n-n
so all leptons have assigned a value of +1, antileptons −1, and non-leptonic particles 0. Lepton number (sometimes also called lepton charge) is an additive quantum number, which means that its sum is preserved in interactions