is it 977 ?
there are 1000 men standing in a circle numbere 1 to 1000 on their back. the person with number 1 is given a sword. he kills 2 and gives sword to 3. 3 kills 4 and passes the sword to 5. the process continues so on.................... wat is the number of the last remaining person.
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49 Answers
i am really sorry integrations that this made u waste so much time. sorry
Maybe you are getting misled by mathematician's title. Its not a lollipop problem as he is letting you think.
Its a problem in recursion I had read about in a book called Concrete Mathematics [Graham, Knuth and Patashnik]. Obtaining the recursion is itself a painful process. Solving it is a task for a computer. This answer I picked up from Sloane's series for this problem.
So, dont bother much about it right now. When you are done with JEE and stuff, relax and read it about it.
Download this program
then it is Lollipop
btw...ans is 977...and it is checked
i think 1......after every round of killing, 1 will always get the sword.....there will b no person before him to receive the sword and kill after all the savagings are over......1 will be left......holding his breath, wishing that he had died rather than stand amidst the stinking dead bodies [3]
no ani... 1 will be killed afetr the fourth round i think....
the pattern will be like...
at first difference of 2.
then diff of 4..
then diff of 8..
who'll kill him???? Me or you??
I think he'll die of the stink anyway......[3]
come on dude, i am telling u, to this also there will be 100 diff answers by us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF the killing goes on for only 1 round
For every round the no. decreases by 50%
ok in d first round......all even numbers will die... in the next round 3,7,11 etc. will die...........then i must think