itchy iteration...

Let a1=0 and a2=1.

Find f=an+2 nC2an-1 +3 nC3an-2+...+na1.

3 Answers

Dr.House ·

this has got quite a bit of working..

no hands prophet sir or nishant bhaiyan ?

Hari Shankar ·

nope, another chinese MO problem and i will end up on a psychiatrist's couch.

If you can give the solution, I will be very pleased

Devil ·

1stly, if I'm not wrong, the qsn needs slight modification..

The last term is not na1, but n2a1.

If u need the function it is 2.n!-n-1.

Do not ask me to derive it. I saw the soln in a book by Andreescu, Feng & Lee, where they used induction to prove that an is the number of derangements of the set of the 1st n naturals.....

I can however copy-paste it if anyone desires to have a look.......

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