yes sir you were right , they are just integers..
Let a be the smallest +ve integer with the property as follows:
there are distinct positive integers a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 such that
g(x)=(x-a1)(x-a2)(x-a3)(x-a4)(x-a5) has at least `a` non zero coefficients
find set of (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) for which this minimum `a` is achieved
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sorry, a small edit tot he question
its not atleast a non zero coeffeiceints
it is
exactly `a` non zero coefficients
are you sure the roots are given to be +ve. Because, otherwise all five coefficients are non-zero.
a clue:
start with values for k form 0
i.e take k=0,1,2,...........
and try to reason it out
even a half attempted soln , i can help it
As far as I can make out, a≥4. Can you give us 2-3 more days before we say pass? :D
ya in my previous post i meant it `a`
mistyped k for a
and sir u sure a ≥4 ?
have a look at that once again
and for time ya ,no probs :D