1/2+1/3+1/4.....+1/n is never an integer.. prove
Hint: think of the largest prime!
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Hint: Between integers k and 2k, there exists a prime (I know this is a wierd result that i am using.. but cos this stuff is in olympiad stuff .. u need to know this !)
Seems no one has any clue!!
Ok i will put a solution
let p be the largest prime less than n.
Then, p<=n<2p !!!!
This might be a long shot!
But what this comes from is that between n and 2n there is always a prime!
Search "Proof of Bertrand's postulate"
So if we assume that 2p<n
then there will be a prime between p and 2p.. so there will be a prime larger than p but smaller than n!
So we have only one denominator that is divisible by p
so this whole sum will have only one number with denominator p
This fraction cannot be removed!
Hence this sum is never an integer!!