jus 2 confuse

for 2 coherent sources , I net =(√I1 + √I2)2 wen path diff = 0

now take these 2 and separate them like interference exp , you get max , min but avg intensity remains I1 + I2

now if u put these 2 sources together , path diff always 0 , hence always max given by eq abv . but here Inet ≠I1 + I2


25 Answers

Celestine preetham ·

no sid phase diff is always 0 were is it Î ?

Celestine preetham ·

hmm good pt

Rohan Ghosh ·

first of all it is not possible to get them at a distance of d=0 as there always exists a minimukm distance in physics decribed by quantum mechanics...

Celestine preetham ·

hmm rohan yes wat uve done abv is proof for first part of Q
ie wen d is small but ≠0

BUT im telling it doesnt match wen d=0 that ive assumed in second part

why is it so ??

see # 21

can u develop upon that idea of interference of energy at generation stage itself ??

ie nature gets energy from I1 ,I2 redistributes it uniformly from origin itself ????

how is it happening ??
is there an answer or is it a new mechanism of interaction ??

Rohan Ghosh ·

hmm a good doubt celestine ...

you see the only difference between the two cases you mentioned is that the value of "d" is different

when you attempt to find the average intensity over a length L of the screen.. it will be given by

(0∫LIdx)/L where I is the intensity at a distance x

I=I1 + I2+2√(I1I2)cosφ where φ is the phase difference

we see that φ=k*xd/D

so let us integrate ..
we get it as


obviously d cant be equal to zero other wise they will become the same source

so let us take d very small
here we can choose L as big as we like as the screen extends from 0 to ∞

if we take d=(1/∞)k then we can choose L as ∞k+1 (there is no harm in doing that as we are averaging over the whole thing to get the total actual average)

so then the term will become sinx/∞ = 0 ..

so Iav remains I1+I2

Celestine preetham ·

anyone free after jee

thinking abt this ????????

Celestine preetham ·

see dis exp and verify if its ok

wen we r considerin putin 2 sources together its practically impossible cos wen u bring them together they act as 1 source and no more interference takes place.
this may be due to a new type of interference of energy ( not amplitude) at the generation of radiation stage itself .

Celestine preetham ·

i ve an exp but donno if its rite

Celestine preetham ·

but energy isnt bein conserved

kishan nageswaran ·

due to constructive interfernce

Celestine preetham ·

ok lemme be more clear

for 2 diff coherent sources

Inet = I1 + I2 + 2√(I1 X I2 ) cosθ

now wen u put these sources together , phase diff always 0

so cosθ always 1 so

Inet = I1 + I2 + 2√(I1 X I2 ) always

here input = I1 + I2 ≠output =Inet

why nishant sir

kishan nageswaran ·

first is the sources are together

Celestine preetham ·

try this

Celestine preetham ·

can anyone clear this doubt

sidsgr88 Bora ·

What i meant 2 say was this.....
1) when we take interfence we get a series of pattern...in this there are dark n bright lines...now this is caused due to a phase diff ranging 4m 0 to Î ...so the avg intensity is I1+I2

2) when we put to sources together we are taking just on case of constant phase difference in which phase dif=0........dere can be another can in which phase dif is Î .....
so avg intensity 4 d first case is (√i1+√i2)2 ......and 4 d second case it is (√i1-√i2)2...
so d net avg intensity is i1-i2 same as above

Celestine preetham ·

can neone clear my serious doubt ;(

Celestine preetham ·

tot intensity / no of point

kishan nageswaran ·

what do you mean by avg intensity in interfernce exp

Celestine preetham ·

ne bdy

Celestine preetham ·

no i m jus keeping them close together thats all

Anirudh Narayanan ·

By " if u put these 2 sources together ", do you mean you are taking only one source?[7]

Celestine preetham ·

rep any one

Celestine preetham ·

please rep guys sidsgr88 i dint get wat ur sayin

sidsgr88 Bora ·

also ur talkin about 2 different cases in the 2nd one when the 2 sources are together dere is max intensity while in interfernce we have 0 phase dif n pi phase difference at diff places....

a correct comparison would be interference with when d to souces are kept together at 0 phase dif n when at pi phase dif then the average comes out to be the same ..

think that serves the purpose...

sidsgr88 Bora ·

but i feel in interference there is no need 2 talk about average intensity.....we can get the intensity at any point n its just d redistribution of energy

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