phase difference

What do we mean by phase difference regd waves?When I see the diagram of two waves with phase difff of pi, the crest of one is shown over trough of other, then i wonder what wud be the diagram for phase diff of 2pi and why it corresponds to difference of one wavelength.Pls explain me this concept in detail.

5 Answers

Amulya Gopal Madem ·

A general wave has a wavelength of λ corresponding to a phase differnce of 0 or 2π. It means that the 2 waves travelling are in phase or similar in nature. Their addition gives rise to a max. amplitude. It generally happens when 2 points having a phase diff. of 2nπ travel together. A part of it is crest n crest falling on each other. Contrary is wid ph. diff of π

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

let a wave be defined by the mathematics


let another wave be defined by


then phase difference between φ1 and φ2 is θ

using mathematics we can see that for θ=π we have φ1= - φ2

and for θ=2π we have φ1=φ2

if u do not know φ is a wave function which is the varying electric or magnetic field for a electromagnetic wave, the varying pressure for sound wave and the varying y-displacement for wave motion on strings...

qwerty ·

@ subhomoy

"using mathematics we can see that for θ=π we have φ1= - φ2"

how ? ( it is not necessary that energy flows with sinusoidal functions only [3] [3] [3] ) )

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

sorry sorry!!

for that i took sinusoidal! :P

sengupta ·

I wonder whether Pasushah could get his concept about the phase difference clear! Nice if you could reply

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