(1)A will most probably be Cu-C≡C-Cu
acidic hydrogens replaced by Cu....
(1)CH≡CH react with Cu2cl2 and NH4Cl to form A. A reacts with 1eq H2 and give B. Find A and B.
(2)Mendelic amide reacts with Br2/KOH to give??
(3)What is the co-ordination number of C in solid (LiCH3)4?
please give answer with explanation and also give d strucutre of Mendelic amide.
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6 Answers
Arshad ~Died~
·2010-04-07 17:42:07
amit sahoo
·2010-04-07 18:04:00
for the 3rd one is the ans 6 ? it forms a octahedron in solid state with alternating Li and CH3 at the edges.
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-04-08 00:29:57
From wiki (mandelic acid). So hoffman degradation yields Ph - CH(NH2)(OH)