as at ortho position H of COOH can form H boding with the group at ortho position hece the bond with O will b weaker hens it will b mor acidic
aand b/w para and meta derivative it is obvious tht para z more acidic with with e drowing
18 Answers
swaraj jena
·2010-01-25 02:48:14
Kaustab Sarkar
·2010-01-23 08:52:53
hey plz post the reason for ur ans
i knew the ans alredy....i wanted that din help
swaraj jena
·2010-01-23 05:00:23
I hav considerd benzene first ,but for cyclohex i think my edited answerr z correct
Unicorn--- Extinct!!
·2010-01-22 07:10:48
This shouldn't be difficult..simple application of inductive effect.
Asish Mahapatra
·2010-01-23 04:55:11
@bleacH : are they pure cyclohexznes or are they benzene rings... for the answer seems to be that for benzenes..
Kaustab Sarkar
·2010-01-22 07:13:12
so plz ans....
actually i hav problem with BCD
somewr its meta more acidis then rest...while somewer its not
plz ans with reason