Sky, the conjugate base RO- is less stable than NH2- due to +I effect from R...
but does that necessarily mean that RO- is stronger???
15 Answers
NH3 is a stronger acid than ROH (as electronegativity of N<O .. so it will hold the H atom less firmly )
=> the conjugate base NH2- is weaker than RO-
but there is a +I effect from R group, so -ve charge on O will become unstable, so don't you think that it will be more basic.......
oh i am WRONG!
very sorry...
NH2- is a stronger base than RO- .... (saw in arihant today.. ;) :P)
NH3 is a weker acid than ROH... coz N is less electronegative than O...
yes skygirl is right i checked it in brilliants corse material
which is more acidic ??? and why ???
dinitromethane and acetic acid . which one , bolo ???
dinitromethane? bcos of presence of two electron withdrawing groups?
Two NO2 groups make the carbon more postive. So it's easier to remove a H+. In CH3COOH, only one C=O group. So effect is less pronounced?
NH2- is the more basic because the conjugate acid of NH2- is weaker than that of the RO-