I don't know if this is the best way--------- but it's surely a method.
Treat propene with HOCl to get 1 chloro propen-2ol
Now remove the -OH group (which can be easily done) to get
propyl chloride.
Which is the best way to convert propene to propyl chloride ??
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6 Answers
·2009-06-05 20:16:41
·2009-06-05 21:01:11
ok thats 1 way...
i did hydroboration-oxidation,,anti-marko. addn. of water... now treated with HCl...got the reqd. prod..
i was not sure if yield would be high.
·2009-06-05 21:28:10
allylic substitution can be done by ncs ,and the yield is very gud and also the best methd i think.
·2009-06-06 02:15:47
If u treat propene with conc.HCl,then u directly get propyl chloride by electrophilic addition.
·2009-06-07 06:16:12
aieee--------- propene with HCl gives 2chloropropane not propyl chloride.