5 Answers
·2010-04-13 22:22:02
OH will be eplaced by I
not having ne other idea of red phosphorous reqaction
saw that in hell vokhard zelensky
it was used to form PBr3
so similarly here it will form PI3 and and same replacement of OH or any other acly group is suspected to take place
·2010-04-13 22:22:41
will it reduce all the bonds....
anyone ??????[7][7][7][7][7][7][7][7][7][7][7][7]
·2010-04-13 22:32:58
hmm...my answer for B
reason of stereochemistry :
PBr3 substition takes via retention of configartion
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-04-13 23:02:05
HI in red phosphorus is a very strong reducing agent. It reduces all those unsaturated bonds and OH and Cl to normal H. But as the conditions are not given...I don't know whether it reduces benzene or not.