Ya i agree with khyati...........chem bonding is the BASE chap for understanding organic and imorganic chem.........to a very high extent..........chem is like the most intresting of all 3..!!! :D
Plz tell me what are the important topics in chemistry for iit jee.I am in 11th class and I am not very happy with my preparation in chemistry.Now,I feel that i should just concentrate on the important and scoring topics.
And also,is 'Chemical Bonding' important? This is one chapter I dread studying because of its lenthy and boring theory.
Also give the most imp. topics in organic chem.
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If you wanna get into IIT, then every bit in JEE Syllabus is important.
And yeah Chemical Bonding is very very important because its the most basic topic that will help you to understand other things in chemistry.
If you leave that chapter then you will end up as a loser. So do this chapter well
Ya i agree with khyati...........chem bonding is the BASE chap for understanding organic and imorganic chem.........to a very high extent..........chem is like the most intresting of all 3..!!! :D