Vivek @ Born this Way
·2011-08-08 07:40:50
4. You make Br go out because the +ve there is 3 degree + allylic, so put OH there. And since this OH is not allylic, so there should not be any problem with it.
(You might think that why didn't I relocate the double bond. Think?? )
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2011-08-08 07:50:24
3.) The reason can be attributed to the fact that Li has a very small size and hence a very high amount of energy is liberated on solvation of Li to Li (aq).
The energy liberated plus high amount of electro positive character enable the R- to slowly bring about an elimination reaction of the diethyl ether:
R:Li + H-CH2-CH2-OCH2CH3 ----> RH + CH2CH2 + Li+ -OCH2CH3
These are however much more stable in hydrocarbon solvents.
In case of RMgX, the mentioned effects are very minute to bring about such effects.
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2011-08-08 07:56:37
1.) I presume CO will come out.. Try writing the reactions.
Vivek @ Born this Way
·2011-08-08 07:59:23
2. Firstly, Ph- will attack at carbonyl carbon and then hydrolysis will yield an alcohol.
NBS should probably replace OH by Br. (I'm not sure cause I tried and failed) Since there can be no oxidation of -OH and also no benzylic position empty for substitution.. Wait for some replies.
Aditya Bhutra
·2011-08-10 10:41:32
first Br- will leave.
conjugation with double bond will take place.
positive charge on terminal carbon attacks on lone pairs of oxygen.
then finally hydrogen leaves to provide stability.