Common u don't know this, its given in the book try to find it out ...... and if u don't get it then I will give u the answer
5 Answers
·Jun 15 '09 at 22:56
·Jun 16 '09 at 2:53
it will be better if u post ur residual dbts rather than posting qns.see many of us may leave this qn unless u have specifid ur residual dbt.
·Jun 16 '09 at 3:07 is very indecent on ur part to slam a student for raising his/her doubt...
@sumit...msp is rite..u must post ur doubt so as to get immediate reply from users here...[1][1]
·Jun 16 '09 at 5:04
the phenoxide ion formed is more resonance stabilised then the conjugate base of water.