I think this will follow d E2 mechanism.......
Give the product of the organic reaction given above by showing its favourable mechanism.
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7 Answers
Gaurav Gardi
·2013-03-29 03:09:39
- Bitan Chakraborty No. Wrong answer!!!Upvote·0· Reply ·2013-03-29 03:16:52
- Bitan Chakraborty Hint: C2H5O- will attack a alpha H followed by removal of Br-
- Bitan Chakraborty Hint: C2H5O- will attack a alpha H followed by removal of Br-
- Gaurav Gardi will it form ring?
Anurag Ghosh
·2013-03-29 07:14:19
But dada d base should attack d hydrogen on the beta carbon na?
- Bitan Chakraborty No Champ, it will attack and abstract the alpha H and then form a 3 membered ring attached with 1 C of the cyclohexane by eliminating the Br. Then again the base will attack the carbon of the C=O and rxn will proceed. Try out once more and then I will post the answer. :)
Gaurav Gardi
·2013-04-01 05:18:05
the answer is this?
(a four membered ring is formed)
- Bitan Chakraborty No.... I said 3 membered ring!!!
- Gaurav Gardi a 3 membered ring is formed but after that when nu attacks c=0 carbon will it form the above compound?
Bitan Chakraborty
·2013-04-02 02:03:12
This is the answer.
- Bitan Chakraborty Now can u do the mechanism??
- Gaurav Gardi yes i understood the mechanism.thank you sir.
- Bitan Chakraborty Can u show the mechanism here??
- Bitan Chakraborty @Gaurav and Anurag, answer the question thet I have asked in the physical chemistry forum.
Bitan Chakraborty
·2013-04-02 03:52:58
Here is the Reaction Mechanism.
- Anurag Ghosh Wats d name of d above reaction?????