Then neither pf them undergoes SN2...
6 Answers
Anurag Khandelwal
·2009-02-17 00:33:18
C6H5Br does not undergo SN2... it undergoes substitution by benzyne mechanism.
So C(Me)3Br>>>>>>>>>>>>>>C6H5Br for SN2!!
·2009-02-17 00:34:56
c(me)3br forms a 3 degree cation na. so why will it take part in sn2 leaving sn1?
·2009-02-17 00:53:20
no it is not the meaning the 3 degree cation can undergo SN2 rxn but veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery less da
but if u compare this qn the ans would be like c(me)3-br>phbr.
becos in SN2 rxn back side attack is one of the step.this is impossible in phbr