L lactic acid i guess
consider the rxn     Â
l l
In this rxn D- alanine salt is converted into A)racemic mix
b)L-lactic acid c)D-lactic acid d) more of D and less of L form
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7 Answers
deepanshu001 agarwal
·2009-03-16 23:59:29
so ur a BT student
temme sumthin is it worth attendin those classes
25-3rd april
karan9989 gupta
·2009-03-17 00:07:51
all my teachers suggested not to attend any crash cources So I'll be preparing at home only If you are also BT student then you must be having this YG file Check this ques there
deepanshu001 agarwal
·2009-03-17 00:16:17
oh...it think it ll b bcz of NGP but not so sure
COOH can assist