mole again

2.76 gm of silver carbonate on heating strongly gives residue weighing?
(Gram atomic mass of silver is 108 gm)

5 Answers

Pritish Chakraborty ·

For this you need the reaction. Carbonates on heating liberate the oxide of the metal and carbon dioxide.

Ag2CO3 -----> Ag2O + CO2

As carbon dioxide escapes in gaseous form, the residue is the oxide of silver. From the reaction equation, we see that 1 mol of silver carbonate gives a residue of 1 mol oxide.
So find how many mols of carbonate 2.76 gm is. Let it be 'a' mols.

Now 1 mol of carbonate gives 1 mol of oxide.
=> 'a' mol of carbonate gives 'a' mol of oxide.

Now you have the molar mass of Ag2O and the number of mols as well. So to find the actual weight in grams,
Weight = Molar Mass * Number of mols. = Molar Mass * 'a' grams which is your answer.

prateek mehta ·

see also::

plz can u tell...
how to know about the range of temperatures in such questions .. because around 400'C this is how the reaction proceeds:

2Ag2CO3 -> 4Ag + 2CO2 + O2

so ppt is Ag or Ag2O.. ?

prateek mehta ·

plz n e one xplain how to decide which rkn takes place and how 2 decide ?

pritishmasti ............... ·

then temprature must be given unless u can't decide.

prateek mehta ·

answer is 2.16 gm and it has been given already that it is STONGLY HEATED

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