Non-Stoichiometric Defects 1

Analysis shows that nickel oxide has the formula Ni0.98O1.00 . What fractions of nickel exist as Ni2+ and Ni3+ ions?

1 Answers

ankit mahapatra ·

The formula shows that Ni:O =0.98:1.00 or 98:100
thus if there are 100 O atoms , then Ni atoms =98

charge on 100 O2- ions =-200
suppose Ni atoms as Ni2+=x
then Ni atoms as Ni3+=98-x

Total charge on Ni2+ and Ni3+

=(+2)x +(+3)(98-x)
=294 - x

As metal oxide is neutral , total charge on cations =total charge on anions

294-x =200


% of Ni as Ni2+=94*100/98 = 95.9

% of Ni as Ni3+=100 - 95.9 =4.1

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