c means d enrgy bove wich d colliding molecules will rxt .........
d means d enrgy below wich d colidn molecules wnt rxt ....
in d u cant say they wnt rxt .......few may still rxt
so itz c
Rate of a reaction can be expressed by Arrhenius equation as:
In this eqn, E represents?
c. the energy above which all the colliding molecules will react.
d. the energy below which colliding molcules will not react.
Don't c and d mean the same???
c means d enrgy bove wich d colliding molecules will rxt .........
d means d enrgy below wich d colidn molecules wnt rxt ....
in d u cant say they wnt rxt .......few may still rxt
so itz c
ya.. d means d threshold energy..
E in d equation is d activation energy..
i.e d additional energy other than d energy acquired by collision...
Sorry dears....but i still dont know the exact dirrerence between activation enrgy n threshold energy...i've read it in a couple of books, but didnt get it exactly:(
Mrunal or Ram, cud u pls explain in short?
threshold energy is d minimum energy needed to make collisions effective... dis s must fr a collidin molecule..
as i tol additional energy required is activation energy..
or see dis one..
lol...i had decided to be, but came for sumtym...do u want me to go Sri?[2]
hahaha nothign wrong meant , just seeng ur signature.
yes , I'd hope that u go and study seriously for AIEEE and other xams you're taking up if you're in 12th and if you're in 11th well stay on for a bit longer but don't overdo