
1) What is detonating gas?

2)When the mixture of MgCO3 & CaCO3 was heated for a long time, the weight decreased by 50%. Calculate the percentage composition of the mixture.

3)Calculate the weight of V2O5 produced from 2g of VO & 5.75 g of Fe2O3.
answer is 2.18g but I am getting 1.08g. Why so?

4)Equal weights of mercury and iodine are allowed to react completely to form a mixture of mercurous and mercuric iodide leaving none of the reactants. Calculate the ratio by weight of Hg2I2 & HgI2 formed.

14 Answers

vaibhav sharma ·

Q-1 Detonating gas is a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gases . Amount of hydrogen and oxygen in the mixture is such that
volume of hydrogen in the mixturevolume of oxygen in the mixture=2

Q-2 let the total mass of mixture of MgCo3 and CaCo3 =100gm
now let mass of MgCo3 in the mixture be =x gm
..............mass of CaCo3 = (100-x) gm

When the given compunds will be heated following reaction will take place:

MgCo3 → MgO + Co2
moles→ x84 x84 x84

CaCo3 → Cao + Co2
moles→ (100-x)100 (100-x)100 (100-x)100

the loss in weight is due to escaping of Co2 from the mixture as a gas

therefore amount of Co2 escaped as gas = 50%of 100 gm = 50 gm

according to above chemical equations moles of Co2 formed = x84+ (100-x)100=k(say)

therefore k*(molar mass of Co2)=50
all the equations are given solve for x

%of MgCo3= 71.6%
% of CaCo3 = 28.4 %

vaibhav sharma ·

Q-3 I dont really undersatnd the question are they reacting VO with Fe2o3 to form V2O5 ??

Khyati ·

@ Vaibhav, yeah they are reacting VO with Fe2O3.
The equation is
VO + Fe2O3---------------------> FeO + V2O5

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

reaction is..

2VO + 3Fe2O3 → 6FeO + 2V2O5

molec wt of VO= 67

MW of Fe2O3= 160

MW of V2O5= 182

let weight of V2O5 be x

then we can see 1 mole of V2O5 is formed from 2 moles of VO and 3 moles of Fe2O3

thus x182 = min{22X67,5.753X160}

  • Anonymous Sir your reaction is wrong. You have 2 V atoms on reactant side and 4 V in product side.
Subhomoy Bakshi ·

4) 3Hg + 2I2 → Hg2I2 + HgI2

thus whatever the amount of reactants, the molar ratio of the products will be 1:1

thus ratio of the prducts= 658:454(ratio of molecular weights!!)

Khyati ·

Thanks Subhomoy

vaibhav sharma ·

hey there is no reaction as such:

3Hg + 2I2 → HgI2 + Hg2I2

i think Hg2I2 and HgI2 are formed in two seprate reactions

Hg + I2 → HgI2

2Hg + I2 → Hg2I2

but i maybe wrong
plz check the answer

Avik ·

Lekin, there is no harm in adding up ur two equations to get a compact third one...It is upto us how we express the reaction(s).

Khyati ·

answer to the 4th 0.532:1

Khyati ·

answer to the 4th 0.532:1

Khyati ·

answer to the 4th 0.532:1

vaibhav sharma ·

the answer will come different if you add the equations
if you add the equations the answer will be what subhomoy wrote but that is not the answer

vaibhav sharma ·

if you add the equations the question becomes very easy ....i don;'t think it is that easy.

vaibhav sharma ·

lets take x gms of Hg and x gms of I2 present in the initial mixture

Hg + I2 → HgI2

2Hg + I2 → Hg2I2

let say that y gm of I2 reacts with 200254y gm Hg in the first reaction to produce 454254y gm of HgI2

then (x-y) gm of I2 reacts with 400254(x-y) gm Hg in the second reaction to produce 654254(x-y) gm of Hg2I2

as the total amount of Hg present in the mixture =x gm


200254y + 400254(x-y) = x

from here we get: 73x = 100 y

as discussed above ratio of weight of HgI2 and Hg2I2 is:


now as you know ratio x:y so you can calculate the above required ratio
answer is comin-→ 0.532793:1

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