A 0.127g of unsaturated oil was treated with 25mL of 0.1M ICl solution.The unreacted ICl was then treated with excess of KI.Liberatd iodine reqd.40mL 0.1M hypo solution.Determine mass of I2 that would have been reqd with 100g oil if I2 were used in place of ICl?
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2 Answers
Manish Shankar
·2008-11-26 12:29:40
meq of hypo=meq of I2=40*0.1=4
mmol of I2=4/2=2
mmol of ICl reacted with KI=2
mmol if ICl taken=2.5
mmol of ICl reacted with oil=2.5-2=0.5
mmol of I2 that woul react with .127 gram of oil=0.5
mmol of I2 that wud react with 100 g of oil = (100/0.127)*0.5
=100 g