02-08-10 No rational roots...

Show that the quadratic ax2+bx+c has no rational roots if a, b and c are all odd...

12 Answers

qwerty ·

let the eqn hav rational roots

then D = b2-4ac = perfect square

b = odd = 2k+1


a=odd, c = odd , so 4 ac = 4 p ( p =odd)

so D=b2-4ac = odd - even = odd =a perfect square and an odd no = (2m+1)2

so (2m+1)2= (2k+1)2-4p

4p = (2k+1)2-(2m+1)2= (2k+2m+2)(2k-2m)=4(k+m+1)(k-m)

so p = (k+m+1)(k-m)

p = odd ,

k,m = any integers

now for any combination of k,m , if( k+m+1)=odd, then (k-m )= even, and vice versa

so odd x even = even , but p = odd

hence contradiction hence roots cant be rational

tnx sonne [6]

prateek mehta ·

wow :D amazing qwerty.. so fast ..
nishant tks for the "brain train qn of the day"
i almost got ...parr i so slow..:(

Lokesh Verma ·

This is a very old one.. i remember having solved this one during my preps :P

prateek mehta ·

jale par namak

archana anand ·

one more exlpaination...
What we actually used to do to find the root of equation in 7th grade when we didnot have ne formulas like b2...and all??

we used to multiply a and c....and express b as summation of a.c [or simply factorize the equation].
since a and c are both odd..thier product is also odd.
Now we know that b is also odd....so how is it ever possible to have two rational numbers whose pruduct as well as sum is odd.

Hence prooved:)

Lokesh Verma ·

a very good proof by archana.. but works only for integers.. you have proved that there are no integral roots...

Can someone try and prove the same for rationals too..

Hint: p/q is a root... Think what happens if both are odd.. if p is even and if q is even...

SatyaPriya Ojha ·

Roots will be rational only if b2-4ac is a perfect square.
Assume ( b2-4ac)=p2
p has to be odd since a,b,c are all odd
b+p and b-p are both even ..so b+p = 2m and b-p = 2n
since ac is odd m and n both have to be odd
m = (b+p)/2 ...n = (b-p)/2
LHS is even ..RHS is odd..this contradicts our assumption
Hence proved.

Lokesh Verma ·

that is great work from satya.. I also wanted a solution based on archana's logic [1]

SatyaPriya Ojha ·

let's assume the equation has a rational root (p/q) where p and q are reduced so that p and q don't have any common factors


because RHS is even

if p is even q has to be even

which contradicts the fact that p and q have no common factors
similarly if q is even p is also even


if p is odd q has to be odd and vice versa

but if p and q are both odd

ap2+bpq+cq2 is also odd (hence can't be 0)

Proved :)

Lokesh Verma ·

Perfectly done my friend :) [1]

SatyaPriya Ojha ·

Thank you KD

Dr.House ·

once again a old one recasted

i already did this here:


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