28th December 2008

x2=x+x+x+.... x times....

take derivative of both side...

2x=1+1+1+... x times
thus, 2x=x!

What is the error?

Does it mean that if f(x)=g(x) then f'(x) ≠g'(x) ??

11 Answers

akhil mm ·

how x^2=nx.
plz reply

E=mc^2 darkangel ·

x^2 as defined above is valid only for whole numbers and is therefore not a continuous function.

Only continuous functions have derivatives.

Anirudh Narayanan ·

How is x2=x+x+x+...........n times?

Isn't it x+x+x+x...............x times [7]
Pls correct me if I'm wrong

Manish Shankar ·

Yes it is 'x' times only
"n" is misprinted there

Anirudh Narayanan ·

Then e=mc2 is correct. [3]

(1/2)2 can't be equal to (1/2).(1/2)(1/2).(1/2).........1/2 times [4]

Philip Calvert ·

but Aragorn
(1/2)2 is equal to (1/2).(1/2)(1/2).(1/2).........1/2 times

Philip Calvert ·

ya but e=mc2 seems to be correct

gagar.iitk ·

A continious and a discrete.
rest up to u guys

Abhishek Priyam ·

i think it is because the number of terms also vary with x..

nothing to do with cont or discrete.. i think

also because...

1=1/x+1/x+1/x+1/x+....+1/x x times

differentiating both sides

0=-1/x2+(-1/x2)+(-1/x2)+....+(-1/x2) x times


[3] this is not a solution but another example to what Nishant Bhaiya gave...[3]

another problem in reply to a problem

Abhishek Priyam ·

Whats the reason[7]

I proved by giving a contour example.. but thats the reason [3]

Lokesh Verma ·

you cant differentiate.. because this function is defined only at points...

it is not a continuous function.....

it is a discrete one..

so there is no question of taking derivatives ;)

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